Activity Day Frequency Home
Adoration of the blessed sacrament at the convent on every first Saturday of the month. Saturday Monthly Caroline Tindal House
Holy adoration Saturday Weekly Caroline Tindal House
First Friday of each month Holy Mass DDHH. Friday Monthly DDHH
Rosary with FIDESCO & some residents during week days at 12:30 Mon-Fri Weekly DDHH
SPRED at DDHH run by FIDESCO Weekly Weekly DDHH
Adoration of the Blessed sacrament before Mass each first Friday Friday Monthly DDHH
Walls of Remembrance blessing November Annually DDHH/ERV
Morning prayer (Our Father and Prayer of Peace) Daily Daily DDHH/ERV
Harvesters of Jesus, monthly. Monthly Monthly DDHH/ERV
Rosary every Tuesday at Founders’ home (10 St Anne Rd) Tuesday Weekly DOL
Daily Holy Mass for SIC Daily Daily ERV
Holy Mass celebrated at Pino’s Place once a month Monthly Monthly ERV
Holy Mass at ERV Thursday Weekly ERV
SPRED at ERV run by SIC Weekly Weekly ERV
Rosary with SIC every Tuesday and Friday in the Chapel. Tue, Fri Weekly ERV
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every second Tuesday Tue Weekly ERV
DDHH: LITTLE EDEN Domitilla and Danny Hyams Home, Edenvale
ERV: LITTLE EDEN Elvira Rota Village, Bapsfontein
Caroline Tindal House: Convent of the Sisters of the Imitation of Christ – Bethany Generalate (at ERV)